
Select either scenario 1 or 2 depending on your need. If scenario 2 then scenario 3 also applies to your subcontractors.

Note: In scenario 2 - you would generally only require subcontractors that will offer evidence of Indigenous employment, procurement or benefits on a project. Those companies that do not hire Indigenous workers, procure from Indigenous suppliers or give back to Indigenous communities need not report as their evidence is zero and adds no value to an aggregated report.

Scenario 1: If you are solely reporting your Indigenous impact to your client.

Pehta Project Statement


Pehta Comprehensive Project Statement



Scenario 2: If you are reporting your Indigenous impact and the impact of your subcontractors to your client.

Pehta Aggregated Project Statement

$750/month (1-3 subcontactors)

$1,000/month (4-10 subcontractors)

$1,500/month (11-25 subcontractors)

$2,000/month (26-50 subcontractors)

51+ subcontractors: contact


Scenario 3: What your subcontractors must pay.

Pehta Subcontractor Statement


Scenario 1 or 2 Project Fee Estimator

Please note: This calculator is designed to provide an estimate of the total cost of reporting for you on a project. In many cases, the estimate may be higher when vendors are added gradually over a longer period. Actual fees are calculated based on the cumulative number of suppliers participating in Pehta reporting, not on the maximum number of vendors at the start of the project.

As an example, if your project starts with 3 subcontractors reporting in your aggregated report, the fee is $750/mnth. On month 6 the total number of subcontractors reporting on the jumps to 5 then the monthly fee moves to $1,000/month.

This calculator is only to be used as an approximation and actual fees reflect the actual reporting requirements.